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What is a coin & how does it work?

Unlike cryptocurrency tokens, coins are not intended to serve utility functions - such as to represent votes within a community or to denote storage capacity on a decentralized cloud storage. Instead, a coin operates on its own independent blockchain and acts like a native currency within a specific financial system.

What cryptocurrencies can you track on coingecko?

Popular cryptocurrency pairs include BTC-USD, ETH-USD, and SLP-PHP. You can also track metrics such as 24 hour trading volume, market capitalization, price chart, historical performance chart, the circulating supply, and more. Sign up to use CoinGecko’s crypto portfolio to track the performance of your portfolio.

Why is coingecko different from other crypto exchanges?

The homepage is our most popular page where millions of monthly users visit to view the latest price of the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap. If you’re wondering why the price here is different from other crypto exchanges, it is because CoinGecko tracks the price from different exchanges to provide a global average price.

What is a cryptocurrency coin?

The key feature of a coin is that of a currency, and the term may also be used to describe a cryptocurrency asset that is not a token. Unlike cryptocurrency tokens, coins are not intended to serve utility functions - such as to represent votes within a community or to denote storage capacity on a decentralized cloud storage.

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